2025 | |
May 31, 2025 7:00 PmAm Ausserberg, 4125 Basel-Riehen (CH)24. Konzert am AusserbergThe Fukio Quartet plays Der blutige Schaffner. | |
April 3, 2025 8:00 PmTheater am Lend, Wienerstraße 58a, 8020 GrazAnthropologies ImaginairesRobin Hoffmann plays Birkhahn-Studie for black grouse call, œhr for listening solo and An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo in a concert together with Gabriel Dharmoo (CA). | |
March 13, 2025 7:00 PmHaus Coburg, Städtische Galerie Delmenhorsthespos neuAnders: Spuren, spürenAnne Horstmann plays œhr for listening solo in her concert program together with Debora Ziemer in memory of Hans-Joachim Hespos. | |
February 1, 2025 8:00 PmGEDOK Stuttgart - Hölderlinstraße 17, 70174 Stuttgartblack box_blank page - I Want You to PanicTamara Kurkiewicz plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of the on:a duo. | |
2024 | |
November 24, 2024 6:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, KonzertsaalHMDK Rising Star:: NEU!!!Alex Waite plays Der Unsichtbare in the final concert of his concert exam. | |
April 24, 2024 5:00 Pmconcert hall of the HMDK StuttgartInvestitur von Rektor Axel KöhlerTamara Kurkiewicz plays An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo. | |
January 26, 2024 8:00 PmPaul-Gerhard Kirche KarlsruheChronologie des HybridenLeonie Klein und Moe Fukuda play œhr for listener solo in a version for two. | |
January 20, 2024 11:00 AmPhilharmonie CologneDie Farben in mirThe Eternum Saxophonquartett GbR plays der blutige Schaffner. | |
2023 | |
December 21, 2023 9:05 PmSWR2JetztMusik: Ensemble L'art pour l'artBroadcast of the recording from October 6, 2023 with 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. | |
December 2, 2023 8:00 PmKoKi - Kommunales Kino im Künstlerhaus, Sophienstr. 2, 30159 HannoverAnd what do wie hear now?Cinema premiere of mit Flötde die Treppe herabsteigend on the occasion of 40 years ensemble l'art pour l'art. | |
November 12, 2023 6:00 PmReformationskirche, Mehlemer Str. 29, 50968 KölnSilent VoicesSamuel Dobernecker plays œhr for listener solo. | |
November 4, 2023 11:00 AmPhilharmonie CologneDie Farben in mirThe Eternum Saxophonquartett GbR plays der blutige Schaffner. | |
October 15, 2023 8:00 PmNetzwerk Seilerei, Offenbacher Landstr. 190, 60599 Frankfurt MainHandkäs mit neuer Musik - 20 Jahre Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Neue MusikPre-Premiere of Frankfurt Capriccio - or: Nothing ages faster than the past's view on the future. Fabrik-Quartett: Vl.: Federico Ceppetelli, Adam Woodward; Vla.: Jacobo Diaz Robledillo; Vc.: Elena Cappelletti. | |
October 6, 2023 7:00 AmKunststiftung Erich Hauser, Saline 36, 78628 RottweilSWR JetztMusik: Ensemble L‘ART POUR L‘ARTThe ensemble L'art pour l'art plays the piano trio 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten in a concert series of SWR2. | |
September 2, 2023 11:15 AmEvangelische Kirche Essen-Werden, Heckstraße 54-56, 45239 EssenMusik zur MarktzeitEvelin Degen and Matthias Geuting play Wehner for flute and organ, with audio clips of speech fragments of the SPD politician Herbert Wehner (1906-1990). | |
June 22, 2023 6:00 PmPfarrkirche St. Marien, Marburg"Fantasies" - old and new music for flute and organEvelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in concert of the duo Degen/Geuting | |
June 17, 2023 6:00 PmStephanuskirche, Himmelsruh 17, 37085 GöttingenCrescendo - ConcertEvelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of "Crescendo" - the association for the promotion of church music in Stephanus. | |
June 13, 2023 9:05 PmSWR2Lange Weilen - (Neue) Musiken der Dauer und ihre HörweisenInterview by Karl Ludwig and excerpts from Anonymous Funerals in his radio program at SWR2 JetztMusik. | |
April 30, 2023 5:30 - 10:30 PmHochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, FrankfurtNeue Musik NachtAnonyme Bestattungen (Anonymous Funerals) - Premiere of the version for piano solo. Pianists: Arevik Beglaryan, Jaehyun Jeon, Yibao Meng, Valeriia Maximova, Florian Hölscher, Younso Cho, Oliver Kern und Mariana Röhmer. | |
April 1, 2023 5:45 PmKino in der Pumpe - Kommunales Kino KielBLICKFANG - ExperimentalfilmeShowing of With Flute Descending the Staircase at the Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein. | |
January 29, 2023Shibuya, TokyoGendai Souzou TokyoDer blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet is played in a concert of the hamber music group "Gendai Souzou Tokyo". saxophones: Marie Kikuchi, Naoko Tsukada, Kana Ohno, Yuri Yamaguchi, Megumi Chikada | |
January 14, 2023 4:00 PmZionskirche Bethel, Am Zionswald 9, 33617 BielefeldFRAKZIONEN - Festival for Contemporary Music in ChurchAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik for tenor trombone in concert of the ensemble ascolta. | |
2022 | |
December 27, 2022 9:05 PmSWR2SWR2 JetztMusik - review of the yearA review of the premiere of Anonyme Bestattungen (February 5, Eclat-Festival Stuttgart, Ensemble Ascolta) by Michael Rebhahn. | |
December 4, 2022 5:00 PmHochschule für Künste, Konzertsaal, Dechanatstraße 13-15, 28195 BremenFukio SaxophonquartettFukio plays der blutige Schaffner, a project by oh ton in ccoperation with „klangpol – Netzwerk Neue Musik Nordwest“, Atelier Neue Musik (HfK Bremen) and the Oldenburg Staatstheater. | |
November 18, 2022 8:30 PmonlineTHREE REALITIESOnline premiere of With Flute Descending The Staircase as part of Three Realities - a MusicFilm project by the ensemble l'art pour l'art. | |
November 6, 2022 11:30 Am/3:00 PmStudio Waves, 2 Chome-21-7 Nishiazabu, Minato City, TokyoBaroque cello x modern celloAki Kitajima plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo. | |
October 2, 2022 7:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, concert hallGruß an S. - eine Reminiszenz an Oskar SchlemmerTamara Kurkiewicz performs An-Sprache for body percussion solo as part of the festival "Moved by Schlemmer" organized by the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. | |
September 22, 2022 4:00 PmKunsthalle WilhelmshavenMusik 21 Festival "Radikale"Premiere of With Flute Descending The Staircase, as part of Three Realities - a film project of the ensemble L'art pour l'art. audio composition: Robin Hoffmann visual composition: Karsten Wiesel sound recordings: Stefan Troschka flute/sound of stairs: Astrid Schmeling (further movie screenings on September 23 and 24, 4:00 Pm) | |
September 11, 2022 5:00 Pmtheater wrede+, Klävemannstraße 16, 26122 OldenburgFUKIO SaxophonquartettThe Fukio Quartet plays Der blutige Schaffner. | |
July 9, 2022 4:00 PmHospitalkirche StuttgartRobin Hoffmann: Anonymous Funerals - a musical vigilechtzeit/chamber of the New Music Studio of the Musikhochschule Stuttgart play the 5 hours lasting version of the Anonymous Funerals for chamber ensemble: Milena Roder, flute; Niklas Sontheimer, trumpet; Agnes Neudorfer, bassoon; Tamara Kurkiewicz, vibraphon; Aleksandra Nawrocka, marimbaphon; Lukas Stamm, piano; Reto Weiche, guitar; Sebastian Triebener, cello | |
June 25, 2022 7:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, Concert Hallwerk_statt_festival des Studio Neue Musik der HMDK StuttgartPerformances of 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten for piano trio, An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo and Stimmungsbarometer for large ensemble. Solists & echtzeitEnsemble Conductor: Christof Löser | |
June 24, 2022 7:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, Concert Hallwerk_statt_festival des Studio Neue Musik der HMDK StuttgartPerformances of Locken for black grouse septet, ähnlich for vl, alto sax and pno, 5 Trainingseinheiten for cello solo and Stimmungsbarometer for large ensemble. Soloists & echtzeitEnsemble Conductor: Christof Löser for re-listening on the youtube channe of the HMDK Stuttgart | |
June 10, 2022 8:00 PmWinsen, Altes Forsthaus HabichtshorstZuHören in Winsen I: radixThe ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART plays 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. | |
June 2, 2022 8:00 PmKleiner Sendesaal, Rudolf-von-Bennigsen-Ufer 22, HannoverMusik 21 im NDR: Five RealitiesThe ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART plays 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. (Introductory interview with the musicians by Dr. Klaus Angermann at 7:30 Pm.) | |
May 26, 2022 5:00 PmUniversitätskirche, Klosterhof 7, 18055 RostockConcert on Ascension DayEvelin Degen und Matthias Geuting play Wehner for flute and organ, with audio clips of speech fragments of the SPD politician Herbert Wehner. | |
May 21, 2022 7:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, Concert Hallwerk_statt_festival des Studio Neue Musik der HMDK StuttgartPerformances of œhr for solo listener, Locken for black grouse septet and Waidmanns Ruf und Widerhall for audio clips, video projection, hunting calls and horn. Soloists & echtzeitEnsemble Director: Christof Löser for re-listening on the youtube channel of the HMDK Stuttgart | |
April 24, 2022 11:04 PmWDR 3 - Studio Neue MusikComposing CouplesBroadcast of GURU GURU - Doppelrequiem für Steve Jobs und Karlheinz Stockhausen, a collaborative composition with Annesley Black, in a radio program by Bernhard Künzig. | |
April 20, 2022 8:00 PmAquarium Finisterrae, A CoruñaSaX-Xperience IIThe ensemble IXOR plays der blutige Schaffner. Saxophones: David Luís García, Diego Garrigo, Liliana Ortega, Efrén Soto, Sérgio Piñeiro | |
April 19, 2022 8:30 PmParaninfo da Universidade, Santiago de CompostelaSaX-Xperience IThe ensemble IXOR plays der blutige Schaffner. Saxophones: David Luís García, Diego Garrigo, Liliana Ortega, Efrén Soto, Sérgio Piñeiro | |
February 20, 2022 5:00 PmHerz-Jesu-Kirche, Mathildenstraße 30, 60599 Frankfurt OberradINVISIBLE.TOUCH#THE#SOUNDGrégoire Blanc and the Adumá Saxophone Quartet play Musik mit Wurm drin (Music With A Bug) in the concert series HörBar. | |
February 19, 2022 8:00 PmLILI WiesbadenINVISIBLE.TOUCH#THE#SOUNDGrégoire Blanc and the Adumá Quartet play Musik mit Wurm drin at the Kooperative New Jazz. | |
February 18, 2022 7:30 PmKunstKulturKirche, Thüringer Str. 35, Frankfurt MainINVISIBLE.TOUCH#THE#SOUNDAnother performance of Musik mit Wurm drin, Grégoire Blanc (theremin) and the Adumá Saxophone Quartet. | |
February 13, 2022 8:00 PmKonzerthaus BerlinINVISIBLE.TOUCH#THE#SOUNDGrégoire Blanc (theremin) and the Adumá saxophone quartet play Musik mit Wurm drin ("Music with a Bug"). | |
February 13, 2022 8:05 PmDeutschlandradioFreistil - Body Sounds – Was man hört, wenn man Körper hörtAnsprache for bodypercussion solo is broadcast in a radio program by Julian Kämper. | |
February 12, 2022 7:30 PmVilla Elisabeth BerlinINVISIBLE.TOUCH#THE#SOUNDGrégoire Blanc (theremin) and the Adumá saxophone quartet play Musik mit Wurm drin ("Music with a Bug"). | |
February 5, 2022 2:30-7:30 PmTheaterhaus Stuttgart, Halle T1ECLAT Festival Neue MusikAnonyme Bestattungen ("Anonymous Funerals") complete version for chamber ensemble (total length: 5h) - premiere - Ensemble Ascolta | |
2021 | |
October 10, 2021 11:05 PmWDR 3 - Studio Neue MusikBody PercussionA recording of An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo from 2005, interpreter: Nikola Lutz, is broadcast in a program on the topic of Leonie Reinecke. (The program will be available for re-listening on the station's website for one week). | |
September 30, 2021 9:05 PmSWR2, JetztMusik#zusammenspielen – HeimstudioRadiophonic compositions by Robin Hoffmann in a radio programm by Michael Rebhahn Music_Fair_09 | |
August 4, 2021 8:00 PmSt.-Johannis-Kirche Kühlungsbornflute and organEvelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert together with Matthias Geuting. | |
July 30, 2021 11:00 AmonlineBloch ladenRelease of the premiere recording of Bloch laden. Link to the video: In addition there's an interview with Robin Hoffmann by J. Marc Reichow about his composition: | |
July 6, 2021 7:00 PmKunstKulturKirche, Thüringer Str. 35, Frankfurt MainOrrery SingingPerformance in the concert series shortcuts with the Orrery Singer - designed and built by Martin Riches and Thomas Meixner, 2019-20. Delphine Roche - flute Robin Hoffmann - guitar Annesley Black & Jeró Caballero - orrery singer | |
June 27, 2021 3:30 PmBetriebswerk, HeidelbergConcrete Utopias I - 1st Biennale for New Music of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan RegionPremiere of Bloch laden for 6 vocal soloists, string trio and percussion. SCHOLA HEIDELBERG | ensemble aisthesis | |
June 26, 2021 8:00 PmAlte Feuerwache, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Colognehw20c_#2 KLASSE HUBERThe ensemble hand werk plays 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. | |
June 5, 2021 11:00 Pmhr2 kulturThe Artist's CornerRadio premiere of Musikmesse_09, a radiophonic composition, comissioned by hr2 kultur. | |
May 20, 2021 9:30 Pmhr2 kultur"Neue Töne braucht das Land" - Die Frankfurter Mozart-StiftungA radio program by Ursula Böhmer with interviews and excerpts of Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
March 28, 2021 12:00 AmWDR 3 - Studio Neue MusikHomeoffice (12) ascoltaRadio program about the Ensemble Ascolta with excerpts of anstatt dass for ensemble. | |
February 28, 2021 8:30 Pmonline from the Marmion Bar, Lindley Hotel, FrankfurtWell, you back up and push – Songs from the Fifth FloorRobin Hoffmann plays guitar, jaw harp, bird calls and sings in an audio pre-produced online live performance by Annesley Black and Friederike Thielmann. | |
February 5, 2021 8:00 Pmlive stream from the Elisabeth Schneider Foundation, FreiburgSoli internationalNicholas Reed plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert program with the Ensemble Aventure. Watch and listen on vimeo. | |
2020 | |
November 9, 2020 11:03 PmSWR 2JETZTMUSIK: Neue CDsReview of Dinge im Radio. | |
October 29, 2020 12:05 AmDeutschlandfunk KulturNeue Musikbroadcast of Schlundharfe, anstatt dass and Maschinensingen. | |
October 28, 2020 6:00PmTheater Gütersloh, Hans-Werner-Henze-Platz 1, 33330 GüterslohAward Ceremony of the Hans-Werner-Henze-PrizeRobin Hoffmann is awarded the Hans Werner Henze Prize of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen Lippe. program:
Music performed by Ensemble Praesenz (Biliana Voutchkova, vl.; Jan-Filip Tupa, vc.; Reto Staub, pno.) | |
October 23, 2020 20:04WDR 3Kammerkonzert in NRWThe Fukio Ensemble plays der blutige Schaffner. Recording of the concert in Konviktsaal, Bad Münstereifel, September 25, 2016. | |
October 19, 2020 11:03 PmSWR 2SWR2 JETZTMUSIK: Beethoven 2020 The Eternal Revolutionary?Ludwig van Beethoven in contemporary music. A radio program by Rainer Nonnenmann with excerpts from Schorf for orchestra. | |
September 20, 2020 8:00 PmWERKRAUM, Stresemannstr. 24c, 37079 GöttingenGöttinger Abende Zeitgenössischer MusikMichael Schröder plays Metric Variation on Coriolan in a concert of the ensemble l'art pour l'art. | |
September 13, 2020 11:00 AmRotmooshalle, Sägestraße 17, 79737 Herrischriedconcepts of doingAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik for tenor trombone. | |
September 5, 2020 6:30 Pmstudio boerne45, Börnestraße 43/45, 13086 Berlin-Weissenseeconcepts of doingAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik for tenor trombone. | |
August 22, 2020 7:00 PmKunsthaus sans titre, Potsdamintersonanzen - Brandenburg Festival for New MusicThe Fukio ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
June 26, 2020 7:00 PmGarden of the Elisabeth Schneider Foundation, Wilhelmstr. 17a, Freiburg i. Br.SPOTS - erfüllte Augenblicke - Open AirNicholas Reed plays Birkhahn-Studie at a concert of the Ensemble Aventure. | |
March 31, 2020 12:05 AmDeutschlandfunk KulturAnstatt dass - Robin Hoffmann's musical subversionsCowboys, black grouse or art-whistlers: the deliberately out of place belongs to Hoffmann's ideal of unsettling composing. A radio program by Michael Rebhahn (rebroadcast from November 10, 2015) | |
February 24, 2020 11:03 PmSWR2 Jetzt MusikEtudes in New MusicExtracts from Schleifers Methoden and Trainingseinheiten in a radio program by Jan Kopp. | |
January 29, 2020 8:00 PmArt Base, 29 Zandstraat, BrusselsVaguesThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
January 25, 2020 9:30 PmKonzerthaus ViennaResonanzen: »Eupepsia/Dyspepsia – Archiv einer Vereinnahmung«Tom de Cock plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert together with Eva Reiter, Tom Pauwels, Karin Harrasser and Alfred Reiter. | |
January 21, 2020 6:00 PmHochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurtshortcuts - Experiment und BegegnungMusashi Baba plays Metric Variations on Coriolan for concuctor solo. | |
January 7, 2020 7:00 Pmconcert hall of the Musikhochschule StuttgartZinngeschreiTom Goemare plays Birkhahn-Studie on a music-theatrical evening with voices, instruments and shadow theatre. musical direction: Prof. Klaus Dreher | |
January 5, 2020 5:00 Pmconcert hall of the Musikhochschule StuttgartZinngeschreiTom Goemare plays Birkhahn-Studie on a musical-theatrical evening with voices, instruments and shadow theatre. Musical direction: Prof. Klaus Dreher | |
2019 | |
October 25, 2019 6:00 PmMuseum Goch, Kastellstraße 9, 47574 GochMusik für ein ZimmerThe emex ensemble plays 5 Trainingseinheiten für Schleifers Methoden for cello solo an Arnold S. for clarinet, trombone, cello and piano. Joachim Striepens, clarinet | |
October 20, 2019 9:05 PmDeutschlandfunkKonzertdokument der WocheRadio program about the International Orgel-Mixturen, Cologne with the recording ot the premiere of Wehner from August 12, 2019. | |
October 5, 2019 5:00 PmSchwankhalle, Buntentorsteinweg 112/116, 28201 BremenREM-FestivalRobin Hoffmann performes a live version of Waidmanns Ruf und Widerhall for audio clips, video projection, hunting calls and hunting horns. | |
September 8, 2019 4:00 PmSchloss Freyenstein Marktstraße 48 16909 Wittstock OT FreyensteinBack to the rootsThe saxophone quaret Vela plays Der blutige Schaffner. | |
September 7, 2019 4:00 PmSchloss Baruth, Schlossplatz 1, 15837 Baruth/MarkBack to the rootsThe saxophone quaret Vela plays Der blutige Schaffner. | |
August 28, 2019 7:30 PmUniversidad Católica, Santiago (Chile)concertEvelin Degen plays the Chilean premiere of Birkhahn-Studie for black grouse call. | |
August 12, 2019 6:00 PmKunst-Station St. Peter, Jabachstr 1, 50676 KölnSommerkonzert I orgel-mixturenPremiere of Wehner for flute and organ, with playbacks. Flute: Evelin Degen; Organ: Matthias Geuting | |
June 22, 2019 10:04 PmWDR 3Open Sounds: Studio Elektronische Musik10:04 Pm: praxis [45]: Robin Hoffmann broadcasting the electroacoustic pieces Schlundharfe and Waidmanns Ruf und Widerhall 11:00 Pm: point of view Robin Hoffmann is featuring music of T. Hagedorn, R. Riehm, J. Baillie, I.Xenakis, nEGAPADRÉS, G. Paraskevaidis and D. Galas. | |
May 26, 2019 9:10 AmDeutschlandfunkDie neue PlatteEgbert Hiller reviews the CD Kunst pfeifen. | |
May 18, 2019 1:00 PmKunst-Station St. Peter KölnLunchkonzertJens Ruland plays An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo. | |
April 30, 2019 6:00 PmHochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt mainNeue Musik Nacht9:00 Pm, kleiner Saal: Frederic Rzewski Coming together with Robin Hoffmann (speaker) and the International Ensemble Modern Academy. 10:00 Pm, grosser Saal: Robin Hoffmann 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten (Mishi Stern, vl; Nathan Watts, vc.; Arevik Beglaryan, pno.) | |
March 31, 2019 11:00 AmWilhelm-Hack-Museum, LudwigshafenGewächse der Seele - Pflanzenfantasien zwischen Symbolismus und Outsider ArtAnnesley Black und Robin Hoffmann play at the exhibition opening music of plants and stones (Performance for stones, cactuses, leaves and live electronics). | |
March 31, 2019 11:15 Pm86 Hirschengraben Zürich, ZH, 8001 SwitzerlandNuagesThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner in a concert in collaboration with AKI Classics. | |
February 22, 2019 7:00 PmAltes Forsthaus Habichtshorst, Lüneburger Straße 220, 21423 Winsen (Luhe)ZuHören in Winsen I
| |
February 4, 2019 9:04 PmKulturradio RBBNeue Musik aktuellReview of Kunst pfeifen by Andreas Göbel. | |
January 27, 2019 9:30 Am - 9:30 PmBernard Haitinkzaal, Conservatorium van AmsterdamJan Pustjens Focus Day 2019Christian Dierstein plays An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo at his masterclass together with Jean-Pierre Drouet. | |
January 16, 2019 8:15 PmKlaus Linder-Saal of the Music Academy Basel, Leonhardsstrasse 6, BaselSilenceOliver Rutz plays œhr for listener solo at the concert of the percussion class of Christian Dierstein & Mathias Würsch. | |
2018 | |
December 14, 2018 6:00 PmMuseum Goch, Kastellstraße 9, 47574 Goch (Düsseldorf)Ochs und EselEvelin Degen plays Birkahn-Studie in a concert program of the E-MEX-Ensemble. | |
December 7, 2018 5:30 PmMusic Academy Basel, Klaus Linder Hall"Mani"Elliot Harrison plays Birhahn-Studie at a concert of the percussion classes of Christian Dierstein & Matthias Würsch. | |
December 6, 2018 2:15 PmGoethe-Universität Frankfurt, Hörsaal H3, Mertonstr. 17-21SPIEL2. - Die Integration von Spielkonzepten in zeitgenössischer Musik, Musiktheater und KlangkunstLecture on the impact of game theories in the work of Iannis Xenakis. The talk is part of a lecture series organised by the Frankfurt Goethe University and the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst. | |
December 4, 2018 7:00 PmKunstKulturKirche, Thüringer Straße 35, 60316 Frankfurt am Mainshortcuts – Experiment und BegegnungPfeifkonzert | |
November 25, 2018 11:00 AmMusikhochschule Münster, Ludgeriplatz 1composers slide quartetThe composers slide quartet plays Finte and Andrew Digby Strassenmusik at a concert of the Society for New Music Münster. | |
November 22, 2018 8:00 PmKirche Hl. Johannes XXIII, Berrenrather Str. 127, 50937 KölnBÉTON – BRUT & BRUITSThe composers slide quartet plays Finte for trombone quartet. | |
October 23, 2018 7:30 PmBirkerød Kammermusikforening, Hall Mantziusgården, Johan Mantziusvej, 7, 3460 Birkerød - DenmarkQuartet VelaThe saxophone quaret Vela plays Der blutige Schaffner. | |
October 22, 2018 7:00 PmAuditorio del Conservatorio "J.C.Arriaga" de Bilbao (Plaza Ibarrekolanda 1, Bilbao)Festival Kuraia - 25. Encuentro de Música ContemporáneaThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays der blutige Schaffner. | |
September 22, 2018 11:00 Pmhr2 kulturThe Artist's CornerPremiere of Waidmanns Ruf und Widerhall - electroacoustic music from sounds of bird and hunting calls, complemented by texts of Ludwig Tieck, Ferdinand Maximilian Klinger and passages from the Dictionary of German Superstition. Composition: Robin Hoffmann | |
September 8, 2018 10:00 AmMarktplatz GifhornMusik 21 Festival 2018Premier of Metric Variations on Coriolan for conductor solo at the "market music" in Gifhorn. (conductor: Hans-Christian Euler) | |
September 3, 2018 8:00 PmFreiburger EnsemblehausAkademie-KonzertChristian Dierstein plays An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo. | |
August 23, 2018 7:30 PmDeutsches Hygiene-Museum DresdenDarf man das?The New Piano Trio Dresden (Uta-Maria Lempert, vl.; Matthias Lorenz, vc.; Clemens Hund-Göschel, pno.) plays 2EE - für Erwachsene mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. | |
June 29, 2018 8:00 PmBETRIEBSWERK, Am Bahnbetriebswerk 5, 69115 Heidelberg (D)Ein Fall für FünfThe Eunoia quintet plays E-Musik for soprano, trombone, cello, piano and percussion in their current concert program "Der Fall" ("the case"). | |
June 18, 2018 7:30 PmHaus am Dom, Domplatz 3, 60311 Frankfurt MainEin Fall für FünfThe Eunoia quintet plays E-Musik for soprano, trombone, cello, piano and percussion in their current concert program "Der Fall" ("the case"). | |
June 11, 2018 7:30 PmTonkünstlerverband Würzburg, Hochschule für Musik, Gebäude an der Residenzstudio für neue musik: Ein Fall für FünfThe Eunoia quintet plays E-Musik for soprano, trombone, cello, piano and percussion in their current concert program "Der Fall" ("the case"). | |
June 7, 2018 7:30 PmL’Abri – Espace culturel pour jeunes talents - 1, place de la Madeleine – Geneva (CH)Ein Fall für FünfThe Eunoia quintet plays E-Musik for soprano, trombone, cello, piano and percussion in their current concert program "Der Fall" ("the case"). | |
June 6, 2018 8:00 PmGare du Nord, Im Badischen Bahnhof, Basel (CH)Ein Fall für FünfPremiere auf E-Musik for high voice and chamber ensemble (trmb., vc., perc., pno.) by the Ensemble Eunoia. | |
June 1, 2018 9:00 PmMusikhochschule BaselDer blutige SchaffnerThe Ensemble du Bout du Mond plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quaret. Video of the performance on Youtube | |
May 8, 2018 8:00 PmGare du Nord, Basel (CH)Alter Ritus - Neuestes TestamentThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
May 4, 2018 7:00 PmSchloss Burg NamedyAndernacher MusiktageThe Fukio ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
May 3, 2018 8:00 PmRavensburg, PhilharmonieBeschleunigt. Laut. LeiseAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik for trombone solo in a program of ensemble ascolta. | |
April 23, 2018 8:00 PmErkelenz, StadthalleFukioThe Fukio ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
April 18, 2018 7:30 PmJohanneskirche, Zurich (CH)Berio-TagThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for Saxophonquartett in their concert program "Alter Ritus - Neuestes Testament". | |
April 6, 2018 8:00 PmWinsen, Altes Forsthaus Habichtshorst35 lichte momente, Nr. 12Sound stimulated behind the tooth-fence with Robin Hoffmann on occasion of the 35th anniversary of ensemble l'art pour l'art. | |
April 5, 2018 8:00 PmBlack Box, Musikhochschule Hamburg, MilchstraßePRÄSENTATION - Positionen aktueller MusikLecture on own compositions, invited by VAMH. | |
April 5, 2018 8:30 PmQ-O2, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, B-1080 BrusselsManama/G.A.M.E. concertStudents of the Ictus Academy play Locken for black grouse septet. | |
April 4, 2018 11:03 PmSWR 2SWR JetztMusikBroadcast of the recording of anstatt dass by the ensemble ascolta, produced 2017 at the SWR studio. | |
March 18, 2018 7:30 PmZwingli Church Winterthur, SwitzerlandAlter Ritus - Neuestes TestamentThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
March 7, 2018 11:03 PmSWR 2SWR JetztMusikBroadcast of the recording of was stimmt by the New Vocal Soloists Stuttgart, produced 2017 at the SWR studio. | |
February 16, 2018 7:00 PmTUFA Kultur- & Kommunikationszentrum TrierOPENING 18 Internationales Festival für Aktuelle KlangkunstPRAESENZ plays 2EE - für Erwachsene mit erheblichen Vorbehalten for piano trio in their current program "Let the good times roll / Are You Prepared Experience". | |
February 15, 2018 7:30 PmHörsaal des Museum Wiesbaden, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, 65185 WiesbadenLet the good times roll / Are You Prepared ExperiencePRAESENZ plays 2EE - für Erwachsene mit erheblichen Vorbehalten for piano trio. | |
January 20, 2018 8:30 PmKaaitheater, Brussels (Belgium)Liquid Room VIII: PHRASESTom de Cock plays Birkhahn Study in a program of the Ictus ensemble. | |
January 17, 2018 5:00 PmZurich University of the Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
January 13, 2018 8:00 PmZionskirche Bielefeld-Bethel, Am Zionswald 9, BielefeldFrakzionen - Festival for Contemporary Music in ChurchEvelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in a program of the E-Mex ensemble. | |
2017 | |
December 16, 2017 10:05 PmWDR 3Open Sounds - Studio Elektronische MusikSchlundharfe - electroacoustic music from sounds of 25 jaw harps in chromatic scale, complemented by sounds of breath, mouth and throat is broadcasted in a radio program by Michael Rebhahn. | |
December 2, 2017 8:00 PmMusikhochschule Stuttgart, Konzertsaalechtzeit werk_statt_festivalThe echtzeitEnsemble of the New Music Studio at the HMDK Stuttgart plays Kunst pfeifen for art whistler and ensemble. | |
November 20 - 25, 2017AthensLUMINEUX//ΦΩΤΕΙΝΟThe Ensemble du Bout du Monde plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet a couple of times in Athens, Greece: 20 November 2017, 9:00 Pm - Radiobubble | |
November 7, 2017 8:30 PmBKA-Theater, Mehringdamm 34, 10961 BerlinUnerhörte Musik: SOLO - mit und ohneMark Kysela plays œhr for solo listener. | |
October 17, 2017 6:00 PmFrankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, chamber music hallshortcuts - portrait concert Robin Hoffmannprogram: Birkhahn-Studie for black grouse call (performer: Robin Hoffmann) 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo (performers: Janis Marquard/Michael Polyzoides) | |
October 10, 2017 8:00 PmTheaterhaus, Stuttgart, P1Südseite NachtsThe ensemble ascolta plays anstatt dass and Andrew Digby Straßenmusik for trombone solo. | |
October 8, 2017 12:00 PmStudio der Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie KonstanzHigh NoonThe ensemble ascolta plays anstatt dass and Andrew Digby Straßenmusik for trombone solo. | |
September 25, 2017 8:00 PmStudio of the Ensemble Musikfabrik, CologneMontagskonzert - Gute StimmungMarco Blaauw plays œhr for listening solo. | |
September 19, 2017Philharmony Kharkiv, Rymars'ka St 21, Kharkiv (UR)Solorecital TromboneAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik. | |
September 17, 2017Plivka/Dovzhenko Center, Kiev (UR)GogolfestAndrew Digby plays Straßenmusik for trombone solo in a concert of the ensemble ascolta. | |
September 8, 2017 6:00 PmMuseum Goch, Kastellstraße 9, GochStimme plus...Evelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert program of the E-MEX-Ensemble. | |
July 9, 2017 5:00 PmSchlossgarten, Oldenburg i.O.Kultursommer OldenburgMark Lorenz Kysela plays œhr for solo listener in his program "challenges" (sound director: Eckart Beinke) | |
May 6, 2017 9:00 PmPalermo, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Sala PerrieraCurva Minore FestivalSimone Beneventi plays Birkhahn-Studie in his program "sound containers".
| |
May 5, 2017 8:30 PmAltes Forsthaus Habichtshorst, Lüneburger Str. 220, 21423 Winsen (Luhe)"ich steh' auf Wurst"Robin Hoffmann (voice) and the ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART play Bird Snapper by Alexander Schubert in a program of the concert series zuHören in Winsen. | |
April 11, 2017 8:00 PmTheaterhaus, Stuttgart, P1Südseite nachtsThe Stuttgart vocal soloists play was stimmt for 6 voices. | |
April 5, 2017 8:00 PmSparkasse Frankfurt, Neue Mainzer Strasse 49, Frankfurt Mainmusic for eyes and earsBettina Berger plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of the Ensemble Interface at the Music Fair Festival, Frankfurt. | |
March 10, 2017 6:00 PmLiebfrauenschule Oldenburgfamily concertPaul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of the oh ton-ensemble. | |
January 28, 2017 7:00 Pmdepot.K, Lehener Str. 30, 70106 FreiburgSOlow (for a little audience)Marie Schmit plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo. | |
2016 | |
December 30, 2016 8:05 PmWDR 3 KonzertKammerkonzert in NRWThe Fukio-Ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. (recording of the concert in Bad Münstereifel, Konviktaal, September 25, 2016) | |
December 25, 2016Shicho-Shitsu, TokioEnsemble for Experimental Music and TheaterTomoko Hojo plays the Japanese premiere of œhr for listener solo. | |
December 4, 2016 7:00 PmStudio des Ensemble Musikfabrik, Im Mediapark 7, KölnWerft - Kölner Ensemble-Festival für Neue MusikGerman premiere of Kunst pfeifen for artwhistler and ensemble. Robin Hoffmann, soloist; MAM - Manufaktur für Aktuelle Musik; Susanne Blumenthal, conductor | |
November 26, 2016 6:00 PmSchwankhalle, Buntentorsteinweg 112/116, BremenDas Maul ist der TextPremiere at the 19th Festival for Contemporary Music Bremen: 4 very late songs for the composer himself and band texts by Robin Hoffmann by using quotes of the designated president of the United States Donald Trump (Robin Hoffmann/MAM.manufaktur für aktuelle Musik) | |
November 10, 2016 8:05 PmWDR 3WDR 3 KonzertBetrugs-Lexicon - Cantores betrügen | |
October 28, 2016 7:30 PmPhilharmonie Essen, Alfried Krupp SaalNOW! Word Up!Betrugslexicon - Cantores betrügen for 3 singers and orchestra - premiere - Marieke Steenhoek, soprano; Bettina Ranch, alto; Rainer Maria Röhr, tenor; Neue Philharmonie Westfalen; Johannes Kalitzke, conductor | |
October 18, 2016 6:00 PmWDR-Sendesaal, KölnmusikFabrik im WDRBruce Collings plays the premiere of Strassenmusik for tenor trombone solo. | |
September 19, 2016 8:00 PmWilhelm 13, Leo-Trepp-Str. 13, Oldenburg i.O.Alte Meister IIMatthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden. | |
September 16, 2016 8:00 Pmgeh8, DresdenAlte Meister IIMatthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo. | |
September 3, 2016 8:00 PmOper Frankfurt, HolzfoyerKoreanisches MusikfestBettina Berger plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of Ensemble Interface. | |
July 22, 2016 9:30 PmJohanniskirche Schwäbisch GmündUncanny ValleyWolfgang Lessing plays Schleifers Methoden as a part of a choreography by Evelin Stadler. | |
June 19, 2016 7:30 Pmudhaus, Hechinger Straße 203, 72072 TübingenENSEMBLE PHORMINX – unErhört!Wolfgang Lessing plays Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo. | |
June 7, 2016 8:00 / 9:30 / 11:00 PmGalerie Mathias Güntner, Admiralitätstraße 71, Hamburgblurred edges - SOlow for a small audienceSilent pieces under best conditions for listening. The cello player Marie Schmitt plays for an audience not bigger than 10 listeners. 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden amongs others. | |
May 21, 2016 5:00 Pmconcert hall of the Musikhochschule StuttgartWIRKLICHKEITEN - Kongress/ Musik/ InterventionenThe echtzeitEnsemble conducted by Christoph Löser plays Guru Guru - Doppelrequiem für Steve Jobs und Karlheinz Stockhausen (a composition by Annesley Black and Robin Hoffmann). | |
May 15, 2016 12:00 PmMartinskirche KasselKörperstürme - Festival für Tanz und zeitgenössische MusikUncanny Valley Wolfgang Lessing plays Schleifers Methoden as part of a choreography by Evelin Stadler. | |
May 14, 2016 9:00 PmMartinskirche 34117 KasselKörperstürme - Festival für Tanz und zeitgenössische MusikUncanny Valley (premiere) Wolfgang Lessing plays Schleifers Methoden as part of a choreography by Evelin Stadler. | |
May 8, 2016 4:00 PmWasserschloss Haus MarckHaus, Marck 1, 49545 Tecklenburg21. Euregio MusikfestivalThe Fukio Ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
April 5, 2016 8:30 PmBKA - Mehringdamm 34, 10961 BerlinUnerhörte Musik - Carter DuoMarie Schmit plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden and Delphine Roche œhr for listener solo in their concert program "mirrors". | |
April 2, 2016 10:00 AmAkademie für Tonkunst, Ludwigshöhstraße 120, 64285 Darmstadt70. Frühjahrstagung des INMM - Body sounds. Aspekte des Körperlichen in Neuer MusikLecture (German): „Ich komm' gleich runter und berühre“ – heiße und kalte Körperversprechen in der Musik | |
March 31, 2016 7:30 PmAkademie für Tonkunst, Ludwigshöhstraße 120, 64285 Darmstadt70. Frühjahrstagung des INMM - Body sounds. Aspekte des Körperlichen in Neuer MusikWolfgang Lessing plays Schleifers Methoden in a concert with the ensemble Phorminx. | |
March 31, 2016 8:05 Pmhr2 kulturDas Ensemble Modern in der Alten OperMichael Kasper Plays Schleifers Methoden. (recording of the concert, March 10th 2016) | |
March 30, 2016 7:30 PmAkademie für Tonkunst, Ludwigshöhstraße 120, 64285 Darmstadt70. Frühjahrstagung des INMM - Body sounds. Aspekte des Körperlichen in Neuer MusikChristian Dierstein plays An-Sprache in solo recital. | |
March 10, 2016 8:00 PmMozart Saal Alte Oper, Frankfurt MainTEMPO TEMPO -
| |
March 5, 2016 8:00 PmDonaueschingen, Donauhallen"die neue reihe"The ensemble ascolta plays anstatt dass in a concert with the Ensemble Society. | |
February 5, 2016 8:30 PmUiTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiasolo äquatorialDaniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
February 3, 2016 5:30 PmSteven Baxter Recital Studio, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory, Singaporesolo äquatorialDaniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
January 27, 2016 7:00 PmLiteraturhaus Darmstadt Kasinostraße 3 64293 DarmstadtCARTE BLANCHE #4 - MARCEL BEYERSchlundharfe and œhr für Hören solo (performed by Paul Hübner) in the current event of the Frankfurt Society of New Music. | |
2015 | |
November 27, 2015 - November 30, -0001 8:00 PmNeue Sächsische Galerie, ChemnitzConcert of the elole piano trioThe elole piano trio plays the second performance of 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten. | |
November 25, 2015 - November 30, -0001 7:30 PmMusikhochschule Carl Maria von Weber, Dresden (Konzertsaal)Concert of the elole piano trioPremiere of 2EE - Für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten, a composition commissioned by the elole piano trio. | |
November 10, 2015 - November 30, -0001 12:05 AmDeutschlandradio KulturNeue MusikInstead of - Robin Hoffmann's musical subversions; a radio program by Michael Rebhahn. | |
November 6, 2015 - November 30, -0001 7:30 PmPrésence, Dresdenelole-werkstatt 3A public rehearsal by the elole piano trio for the upcoming premiere of 2EE - für Erwachsene, mit erheblichen Vorbehalten together with the composer. | |
July 12, 2015- November 30, -0001 9:00 AmCite de la musique, StrasbourgWorld Saxophone CongressAlfonso Padilla and Alberto Plaza play Inquisition II for soprano saxophone and guitar, the first performance after its premiere, 20 years ago! | |
March 27, 2015- November 30, -0001 9:00 Pmresonanzraum St. Pauli, Feldstraße 66, 20359 Hamburg"urban string" tierCarola Schal plays Birkhahn-Studie in concert of Ensemble Resonanz. | |
March 8, 2015- November 30, -0001 11.05 PmWDR3 openStudio Neue Musikbroadcasting of: | |
March 5, 2015- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmMuseum Ostwall, Ebene 6, DortmundKonzert zu "Arche Noah"Evelin Degen plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of E-MEX Ensemble. | |
February 16, 2015- November 30, -0001 9:15 PmDeutschlandfunk Musikpanoramaradional animalsDeutschlandfunk is broadcasting a program of the Trio 3R in which Paul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
January 13, 2015- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmHochschule for Music and Dance, CologneSpitzentöneThe Fukio Ensemble plays Der blutige Schaffner for saxophone quartet. | |
2014 | |
December 17, 2014- November 30, -0001Conservatorio Superior de Música Bonifacio Gil, BadajozCarlota CacéresCarlota Cacéres plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
November 16, 2014 - November 30, -0001 10:15 Am3satHaus TugendhatBroadcasting of the documentary film Haus Tugendhat directed by Dieter Reifarth. (music: Robin Hoffmann and PRAESENZ). | |
November 5, 2014 - November 30, -0001 8:00 PmMuseu de sa Jugueta, Palma de MallorcaFestival de Compositors de les Illes BalearsCarlota Cáceres plays the Spanish premiere of Birkhahn-Studie. | |
October 14, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmExerzierhalle Oldenburg i.O.NOIeS - Reasonable AnimalsPaul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert program of Ensemble 3R. Ensemble 3R: Gregor Schulenburg (flutes) Boglárka Pecze (clarinets) Paul Hübner (trumpets) | |
October 4, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmBoston University's CFA Concert Hall 855 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MAEbenbildUnder the direction of Jeffrey Means "Sound Icon", the Boston-based new music ensemble performs Locken. | |
August 12, 2014- November 30, -0001 11 AmEdith Stein SchuleDarmstadt Summer Courses for New MusicWorkshop with the percussion class of Christian Dierstein about An-Sprache and Birkhahn-Studie. | |
July 26, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmKunst und Begegnung Hermannshof e.V., Springe-VölksenVOYAGE DANS LE PARCMark L. Kysela plays œhr for listener solo in a concert of ohton ensemble. | |
July 7, 2014- November 30, -0001Felicja Blumental Music Center, Tel Aviv (Israel)Tzlil Meudcan - an updated toneMichael M. Kasper plays Schleifers Methoden in a concert of the Ensemble Modern. | |
July 3, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 Pmkleiner Sendesaal at the NDR Landesfunkhaus Niedersachsen, HannoverMusik 21.4 - An Insular StyleEnsemble L'ART POUR L'ART plays Locken for black grouse septett. | |
June 26, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:30 PmAltes Forsthaus Habichtshorst, Lüneburger Str. 220, 21423 Winsen (Luhe)ZuHören in Winsen IIEnsemble L’ART POUR L’ART plays Locken for black grouse septet. | |
May 25, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmAckerStadtPalast, Ackerstr. 169, BerlinKonzert - Dafne Vicente-Sandoval/Ute Wassermann/Birgit UhlerUte Wassermann plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
May 2, 2014- November 30, -0001 9:00 PmWestwerk, Admiralitätstraße 74, Hamburgblurred edges - Stark Bewölkt: Tätliche Objekte 1Birkhahn-Studie is played in a concert of the ensemble this/ensemble that. | |
April 5, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmEssigfabrik, Kanalstraße 26-28, 23552 LübeckKlangrauschen - Ausdrücklich mündlich!Daniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
March 8, 2014- November 30, -0001 11:05 Pmhr2 kulturThe Artist's CornerWorld radio premiere of Schlundharfe - electroacoustic music from sounds of 25 jaw harps in chromatic scale, complemented by sounds of breath, mouth and throat. In the same program: Strom - Ensemble der Autoren, Terminal H: Strom replugged/Stilleben mit Anprangern (2005) | |
February 28, 2014- November 30, -0001 11:00 AmKonzerthaus Berlin, Werner-Otto-SaalOpen your EarsUte Wassermann plays Birkhahn Studie in an ornithological chamber concert. | |
February 2, 2014- November 30, -0001 6:00 Pm3111 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, ILFrequency Series at ConstellationThe Anubis Quartet plays the US premiere of Der blutige Schaffner ("The Gory Train Conductor") for saxophone quaret. | |
February 1, 2014- November 30, -0001 8:30 PmRobert-Schumann-Saal, DüsseldorfSCHÖNES WOCHENENDE! Festival für modernes HörenPaul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie in the course of "Motion - rauschende Dichte", a music-dance-performance by mam.manufaktur für aktuelle musik. | |
2013 | |
November 23, 2013 - November 30, -0001 8:00 PmBlack Box, Gasteig, MunicFGNM intern. Stellprobe – ein inszenierter AbendMarie Schmit plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden at the guest performance of the Frankfurt New Music Society in Munic. | |
November 22, 2013 - November 30, -0001 7:00 PmGiesinger Bahnhof, Giesinger Bahnhofplatz 1, 81539 MünchenZwischenspieleœhr für Hören solo is being played in a theatre production by the Musiktheaterwerkstatt Frankfurt. | |
November 19, 2013 - November 30, -0001 8:00 PmInstituto Cervantes, Frankfurt MainFERNBEZIEHUNG #3Marie Schmit plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden at the current concert series of the Frankfurt New Music Society. | |
October 17, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:05 PmWDR 3WDR 3 KonzertStimmungsbarometer - recording of the premiere, March 17, 2013. | |
September 19, 2013- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmLiteraturhaus Hannover, Sophienstraße 2, 30159 HannoverGegenstrophenRobin Hoffmann plays study for black grouse call, œhr for solo listener and An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo at the lyric festival Gegenstrophen 2013. | |
August 25, 2013- November 30, -0001Trombacher Hof, Bad Münster am SteinFestival Parkmusik - Neue Ho(e)rizontePaul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie on a walk through the Trombach Meadow. | |
August 8, 2013- November 30, -0001 9:15 PmLa Brique, 6545 Durocher #402 Montreal, QC, CanadaDIE MINIHÄDS, ROBIN HOFFMANN, DREAMCATCHER & HYPERPRISMRobin Hoffmann plays study for black grouse call and und œhr für a solo listener. in the same concert: DIE MINIHÄDS (Robin Hoffmann, bird calls; Annesley Black and Blake Hargreaves, electronics) DREAMCATCHER (Blake Hargreaves, Katherine Kline) HYPERPRISM (Blake Hargreaves, Annesley Black, Katherine Kline) | |
July 13, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmFreies Musikzentrum Stuttgart (Feuerbach, Stuttgarter Str. 15)SUONO MOBILE 79 Sport/SofaMartin Devoto plays Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden for violoncello solo at the second concert of the suono mobile concert series Feuerbach global. | |
July 5, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmJazz- und Rockschule Freiburgunter vier ohrenhand werk and ensemble chronophonie play solo works for a single listener. including Trainingseinheiten (Niklas Seidl, Violoncello), Birkhahn-Studie (Daniel Agi, Birkhahn-Locker). | |
July 4, 2013- November 30, -0001 12.05 AmDeutschlandradio KulturNeue Musik - Wittener Tage für Neue KammermusikAnnesley Black/Robin Hoffmann: GURU GURU - double-requiem for Steve Jobs and Karlheinz Stockhausen (recording of the premiere April 26, 2013) | |
June 27, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:00 Pmraum13 Deutzer Zentralwerk der Schönen Künste, Cologneunter vier ohrenhand werk and ensemble chronophonie play solo works for a single listener; including Trainingseinheiten (Niklas Seidl, violoncello), Birkhahn-Studie (Daniel Agi, black grouse call), œhr for solo listener (Jens Ruland, performance). | |
June 22, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmClub Bob Beaman, MünchenAdevantgarde-FestivalThe Decoder-Ensemble plays Locken for black grouse septet. | |
June 20, 2013- November 30, -0001 12.05-1:00 AmDeutschlandradio KulturPortraitsendung Robin Hoffmann
Stimmungsbarometer for large ensemble (2011/2012) (recording of the concert at WDR-Sendesaal, Cologne, March 17, 2013) Maschinensingen, radiophonic composition (2009/10)
Schorf for large orchestra (2007/08) (recording of the premier at the opening concert of the Darmstadt Summer Courses July 5, 2008) | |
June 15, 2013- November 30, -0001 7:30 and 8:30 PmGarnisonkirche, Oldenburg i.O.klangpol. Lange Nacht der MusikMark L. Kysela plays œhr für Hören solo. | |
June 14, 2013- November 30, -0001Litteraturhuset Oslo, NorwayPinquinsAne Marthe Sørlien Holen plays An-Sprache in a concert of the percussion trio Pinquins. | |
May 30, 2013- November 30, -0001cinema releaseHaus TugendhatA film by Dieter Reifarth, 116 min., D 2013, strandfilm-Produktion distributed by Pandora Film. PRAESENZ Sabine Akiko Ahrendt - violin Jan-Filip Ťupa - violoncello Reto Staub - piano Robin Hoffmann - musical direction/composition | |
April 26, 2013 8:00 PmWitten, FestsaalWittener Tage für neue Kammermusik - Plus Minus StockhausenPremiere of GURU GURU - double-requiem for Steve Jobs and Karlheinz Stockhausen by the ensemble ascolta. (colaborative composition together with Annesley Black) | |
April 26, 2013- November 30, -0001 12:00 AmUnikat (Club)Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik - White SeriesImprovisations by Dieter Ammann, Annesley Black, Andrew Digby and Robin Hoffmann. | |
March 17, 2013- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmWDR-Sendesaal, ColognemusikFabrik im WDR 45Premiere of Stimmungsbarometer by musikFabrik (conductor: Clement Power). In the same concert: An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo, performed by Carl Rossman | |
2012 | |
December 12, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmHochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt Main100 minutes for John CageCage about Silence - performance by Robin Hoffmann at the concert of the Institute for contemporary music. At the same concert: Postcard from Heaven (harp class Francoise Friedrich, rehearsal director: Robin Hoffmann) | |
September 16, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmSudhaus, Tübingenno pathos - with sympathyThe Ensemble Phorminx plays Stehender Falz (version II). | |
September 10, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmAkademie für Tonkunst, Darmstadtno pathos - with sympathyThe Ensemble Phorminx plays Stehender Falz (revised version). | |
September 9, 2012- November 30, -0001Kulturverein Werdohl heute e. V., Kleines Kulturforum, Goethestraße 27, 58791 WerdohlVerQuerDaniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie at a concert of the flute quartet VerQuer. | |
August 28, 2012- November 30, -0001Santa Cruz, Bolivia2º Encuentro de Música NuevaThe Trio Comet plays ähnlich at the opening of „2º Encuentro de Música Nueva“. | |
July 3, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:05 Pmhr2-kulturBreathing Life - New Music for accordion orchestraThe Nurnberg Accordion Orchestra plays Dampf; conductor: Stefan Hippe (recording of the concert from March 17, 2012) | |
June 22, 2012- November 30, -0001 2:00 PmInstitut für vergleichende Irrelevanz (ivi), Kettenhofweg 130 - Uni Campus Bockenheim, 60325 Frankfurt am MainKunst - Erkenntnis - ProblemLecture on developments in contemporary music at the conference art - cognition - problem. possibilities of emancipatory art today. | |
June 10, 2012- November 30, -0001 11:00 AmOper Frankfurt, Willy-Brandt-PlatzKammermusik im FoyerThe Trio Comet (Regine Schmitt, vl; Lutz Koppetsch, alto sax; Alexander Schimpf, pno) plays ähnlich. | |
May 29, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:30 PmBKA Berlin, Mehringdamm 34Die Unerhörte MusikThe Trio Comet (Regine Schmitt, vl; Lutz Koppetsch, alt sax; Alexander Schimpf, pno) plays ähnlich. | |
May 25 - 26, 2012Conservatorio di VeronaVerona Risuonaworkshop on mathias spahlingers konzepte zur ver(über)flüssigung der funktion des komponisten with final presentation in the city of Verona. | |
May 10, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmKulturspeicher WürzburgKlangraum KulturspeicherPremiere of ähnlich by the Trio Comet: Regine Schmitt, vl; Lutz Koppetsch, alto sax; Alexander Schimpf, pno. | |
April 22, 2012- November 30, -0001 5:00 PmSchloss Beilstein, Schlossstraße 30, 71717 BeilsteinActivity of the culture club Oberes Bottwartal e.V.Daniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie at a concert of the ensemble Verquer. | |
April 21, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmBürgerhaus Starzach-Bierlingen, Hauptstraße 13, 72181 StarzachFORUM Kultur , StarzachDaniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie in a concert of the ensemble Verquer. | |
April 5, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmMuseum Wiesbaden, auditoryPANAKUSTIKAThe ensemble praesenz plays Stehender Falz, premiere of the revised version for flute, clarinet, cello and piano. In the same concert: Spahlinger's Konzepte zur Ver(über)flüssigung der Funktion des Komponisten and free improvisation with Robin Hoffmann, guitar. | |
April 1, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmBlaue Fabrik e.V. Priessnitzstr. 44/48 01099 DresdenThe ensemble as soloists - 2Matthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden in a concert series of the ensemble courage. | |
March 17, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:00 PmHochschule für Musik und Darstellender Kunst, Frankfurt MainBreathing Life - new music for accordion orchestraPerformance of Dampf for accordion orchestra in a concert of the Nürnberg Accordion Orchestra and the Bundesakkordeonorchestr; conductor: Stefan Hippe | |
February 25, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmDarmstadt Music AcademyDays of New MusicThe MAM. ensemble plays Locken for black grouse septet. | |
February 23, 2012- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmSenckenberg Natur Museum, Senkenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt am Main"animals and nature"The ensemble mam. manufaktur für aktuelle Musik plays Locken for black grouse septet. | |
February 15 - 17, 2012 daily 10:00 Am to 6:00 PmThe Frankfurt LAB, small hallmotion bank - workshop 3Score Meditations: On the body becoming music - a workshop by Robin Hoffmann and Isabelle Schad. | |
February 3, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:30 PmTUFA Trier , Wechselstr.4 - 6opening 12 - international festival for current soundartTorsten Gelling plays An-Sprache for bodypercussion solo at his concert at opening 12. | |
January 24, 2012- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmInstituto Cervantes, Frankfurt MainFernbeziehung - eine Konzertreihe der fgnmThe smash-ensemble (Madrid) plays the revised version of Stehender Falz for flute, clarinet, cello and piano at the opening concert of the new concert series of the Frankfurt Society of New Music. | |
2011 | |
December 27, 2011- November 30, -0001 11:00 Pmhr2-kulturnew music with and by animalsThe recording of the premiere of Birkhahn-Studie (Mark L. Kysela, April 13, 2005) is broadcasted in Brums! Brums! Miau! - a radio program by Björn Gottstein. | |
November 28, 2011 - November 30, -0001 10:05 PmBavarian Radio Station BR-KlassikKomponieren nach Auschwitzcommentary on composing after Auschwitz as a part of the radio program by Ferdinand Zehentreiter | |
October 24, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmNordwestradio Bremencomposers slide quartetThe csq plays Finte. (Recording of the concert in Delmenhorst, November 11. 2010) | |
September 18, 2011- November 30, -0001 5:00 PmHeilig-Geist-Kirche, HeppenheimBACH.heute V.Matthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden in his concert program, BACH.heute V. | |
September 16, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:30 Pmviolin maker Simon Enke, Frankfurt MainBACH.heute V.Matthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden in his concert program, BACH.heute V. | |
September 14, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmWilhelm 13, Oldenburg i.O.BACH.heute V.Matthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden in his concert program, BACH.heute V. | |
September 12, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmBlaue Fabrik, DresdenBACH.heute V.Matthias Lorenz plays Schleifers Methoden at his concert programm BACH.heute V. | |
June 22, 2011- November 30, -0001 3:30 PmChosen Vale - USPaul HübnerPaul Hübner plays Birkhahn-Studie. | |
June 11, 2011- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmOper Frankfurt, Willy-Brandt-PlatzI Masnadieri
Robin Hoffmann acts as «forest performer» in Verdi's opera I Masnadieri, directed by Benedikt von Peter. | |
May 4, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmPhilharmonie Essen, Huyssenallee 53composers slide quartet
| |
April 30- September 11, 2011Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, CologneDie Erfindung eines HeldenThe Invention of a Hero (a Strandfilm production, music: Robin Hoffmann) at the exhibition «Lawrence of Arabia – Genesis of a Myth». | |
April 23, 2011- November 30, -0001 11:00 PmKunststation St. Peter, CologneConcert at Easter eveDaniel Agi plays Birkhahn-Studie | |
February 27, 2011- November 30, -0001 7:30 PmSara M. Snell Music Theater, Potsdam, NYMichael IbrahimMichael Ibrahim spielt Birkhahn-Studie. | |
January 22, 2011- November 30, -0001 6:30 PmNew National Gallery, BerlinUltraschallMichael Kasper plays 5 Trainingseinheiten zu Schleifers Methoden for Violoncello solo. | |
January 18, 2011- November 30, -0001 8:00 PmEssigfabrik, LübeckMAM.manufaktur für aktuellle musikThe ensemble MAM plays Locken for black grouse septet | |
January 6, 2011- November 30, -0001 0:05 AmDeutschlandradio KulturFloram Marchand Turns Water Into WineRecording of the premiere on December 5, 2010, Hochschule für Musik Dresden, ensemble courage, conductor: Titus Engel, soloist: Sarah Maria Sun |
Activities up to and including 2010